Content:20 oz Osnaburg backed Vinyl
Width :54”/137cm
Type:Type ll
Match Type:Reversible
Pattern Repeat:Random
Fire Rating: Class A
Restoration Elements
Care & Maintenance
Standard Vinyl Wallcovering Stains should be removed as soon as possible to eliminate any possible reaction between the staining agent and the wallcovering. Time is especially important for removing materials containing colors or solvents, such as ballpoint ink, lipstick, oil, shampoo tints and some foods. If soil remains on the wallcovering too long, permanent discoloration may develop.
Vinyl wallcoverings should not be sprayed with wax or other protective coating. Such applications offer little protection and can discolor the material.
Ordinary dirt spots can be removed with a mild soap, warm water, and if necessary, a bristle brush to remove dirt from the crevices of deeply textured patterns. Clean from the bottom of the wall upward to protect the baseboard and prevent streaking. Rinse thoroughly with clean water from the top down using a sponge. Deeply embossed wallcoverings need extra attention in the event that suds or loosened dirt lodges in depressed surfaces. Blot wallcovering dry with a soft, lint-free towel. For more difficult stains that are only surface deep, the use of a stronger detergent is recommended. Try an inconspicuous spot first before attempting the entire wall. Always rinse the wall well after applying a detergent.
Not recommended for cleaning wallcovering are steel wool or powdered abrasive cleaners because they mar the surface, leaving an unsightly appearance. Do not use active solvent- type cleaning preparations, such as nail polish remover, tar and bug removers, etc., because they will remove print and/or finish from the wallcovering.
Cork Wallcovering – Factory Pattern
Because of the unique natural component of this exquisite wallcovering, extra care should be taken when maintaining these materials. Using a warm damp sponge blot the surface and allow to dry. Do not use any cleaning agents on the natural cork wallcovering.
Mold & Mildew
A successful installation of commercial wallcovering requires that building walls are not subject to moisture accumulation. If the design, construction or maintenance of a building and/or other circumstances allow moisture to accumulate in a wall or wall cavity, wallcovering may act as a vapor barrier, restricting the escape of moisture and increasing the risk of mold growth. Proper design, construction and maintenance practices can prevent moisture accumulation. In all cases, moisture and sources of moisture accumulation must be corrected before installing any wallcovering.
Vinyl Wallcoverings
Vinyl wallcovering has little or no moisture permeability. Vinyl wallcovering permeability can be increased through perforation and alternative product constructions with varying degrees of increased permeability depending on the methods used. No wallcoverings will prevent mold growth, however, if moisture accumulation is permitted to occur. An experienced professional who is familiar with building conditions and circumstances should be consulted concerning benefits and limitations of vinyl wallcovering.
York's wallcoverings contain additives to resist mold and other micro-biological growth on the product. Those additives, however, will not prevent mold growth if moisture is allowed to accumulate behind the wall.
Increased Permeability and Permeability Testing The permeability of conventional vinyl wallcovering can be increased by perforation. If vinyl wallcovering is given high quality perforation, is properly installed on a permeable wall surface and properly maintained it will have greater permeability than conventional vinyl wallcovering which has not been perforated.
While offering increased permeability, perforated wallcovering is not a solution for and should not be used in buildings which have or may have wall cavity moisture accumulation or other moisture problems. Perforated wallcovering will not prevent mold growth or other moisture related damage if moisture accumulation is permitted to occur in a wall or wall cavity.
Permeability is a measure of the amount of water vapor (moisture) that can pass through a specified material in a certain amount of time. The measure and degree of permeability is expressed in units referred to as Perms. Materials with high Perm levels will allow more moisture or water vapor to pass through than those with lower Perm values.
All wallcovering materials, when adhered to a sound surface using manufacturer’s recommended procedures and adhesive, shall be guaranteed for a period of five (5) years against manufacturers defects only. If defects are claimed and substantiated during this period, and proper documentation is presented to the manufacturer with regard to date of sale plus adhesive used and surface applied to, the manufacturer will replace the material. The foregoing Warranty is in lieu of all other guarantees or warranties, expressed or implied, written or oral.
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